Distance Learning & Course units

Semester 1 (September – January)

N01 Reactor Physics, Criticality & DesignSyllabus
N03 Radiation & Radiological ProtectionSyllabus
N04 Decommissioning, Radioactive Waste and Environmental ManagementSyllabus
N12 Reactor Thermal HydraulicsSyllabus

Semester 2 (February – June)

N02 Nuclear Fuel CycleSyllabus
N08 Particle Engineering in the Nuclear IndustrySyllabus
N10 Processing, Storage and Disposal of Nuclear WasteSyllabus
N11 Radiation ShieldingSyllabus
N13 Criticality Safety ManagementSyllabus
N31 Management of the Decommissioning ProcessSyllabus

Please see below for new units being developed and units being updated

Distance learning programme structure

In order to permit part-time students to complete four course units in a year, course units are delivered in parallel. A student must complete 2 course units from the course units available in each semester. An illustration of the distance learning programme structure, course units and timetable is shown below.

SeptemberN01, N03, N04, N12
February N10, N13, N31, N02, N11

Timetable 2024 – 25

Course Unit Weightings 2024-25

Regarding future admissions to the distance learning programme

We will be accepting applications for the MSc Nuclear Science & Technology via distance learning for September 2025 but only on a part time basis.

We are currently in a four year project to update all of the course units that were already available via distance learning, along with converting the course units which are at present only available in-person, to standardise the format and adopt current best practice. This will allow students who are unable to attend the one-week taught course units the option of taking any eight units to complete the MSc via distance learning. The only unit that we will not be converting is N32 – Experimental Reactor Physics as this unit involves travelling to either Prague or Vienna.

A list of course units which will be available from September 2025 will be listed here later in the year.