N04: Decommissioning, Radioactive Waste and Environmental Management

This unit aims to:

introduce and foster the acquisition and refinement of expertise in technical, environmental, and policy dimensions concerning nuclear decommissioning and legacy waste management in the UK, including the development of theoretical, conceptual, and analytical competencies.

To enable students to cultivate and exhibit proficiency in subject matter understanding, along with theoretical, conceptual, and analytical capabilities through the utilisation of a Strategic Environmental Assessment pertaining to nuclear decommissioning and the management of legacy radioactive waste in the UK.

Brief description of the unit

The unit explores into the decommissioning process and assesses how significant criteria are integrated into the design of plant and equipment. It outlines the prerequisites for decontamination and clean-up procedures, clarifies the principles governing nuclear waste disposal and storage, and emphasizes the environmental principles that inform nuclear waste management.

Comprising two parts, the initial segment of the unit is instructional and includes lectures along with multiple tutorial sessions. This component covers:

  • Decommissioning
  • Sustainable practices on nuclear sites
  • Clean-up, decontamination, and remediation
  • Radioactive waste disposal, packaging, and storage: an international, comparative review
  • Policy, governance, social, and political issues
  • Best practicable environmental options
  • Compares how the nuclear industry can learn from decommissioning of non nuclear sites/plants

Intended Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate a logical approach to evaluating and emphasizing the significance of scientific, environmental, and socio-political issues related to the decommissioning of nuclear facilities.
Critically consider and evaluate the overall environmental principles applicable to plant decommissioning and storage of nuclear waste.  
Evaluate and emphasize the importance of the primary plant and equipment requirements essential for processing nuclear waste products.
Critically consider and evaluate the impacts of radioactive legacy waste.  
Analyse the key safety aspects inherent in a decommissioning project by employing a case study methodology.